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Why You Should Self-Disclose Your Home’s Flaw When Selling

Selling your home can be enough of a challenge without you inadvertently undermining the process. When you want to sell your home to a buyer who is genuinely interested and qualified, you should disclose any and all flaws in your home. You may ask yourself why you would reveal information that could scare the buyer away. You should reveal your home’s flaws for these important reasons.

Pricing Your Home

When you disclose your house’s faults upfront, you can negotiate the asking price fairly. If a buyer finds out these faults on his or her own, that person could come back and demand that you lower the price. With this information provided upfront, however, the buyer knows what that price is buying and understands the reason for your pricing.

Keeping the Sale

Putting the faults of your home out in the open for buyers to consider can help you find someone who is genuinely interested in buying it, regardless of what those flaws may be. For example, if you have done some electrical work without a permit, you may still find a buyer who is capable of making the needed repairs or can live with the work you have already done. This information being available right away also helps the sale go through without legal challenges in the future. You can sell your house and move on with your life.

You may question why you would let buyers know about your house’s flaws while selling your home. You should disclose this information for these important reasons.

Have questions about pricing your home and disclosure of your home’s flaws? Contact me today. I’m happy to help.

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