Hoping to buy a home soon? You’ll want to make sure your credit score is acceptable because lenders check this number as a way to gauge whether to give you more credit in the form of a home loan. If y...
Most people don’t plan on living in their first (or second or maybe even third) home forever, but knowing when the time is right to put your home on the market can be difficult. Without a pressing rea...
Although remodeling a bathroom can add value to a home, there also are many opportunities for missteps. If you’re considering a bathroom renovation, follow this expert advice from realtor.com to ensur...
One of the nice things about living in the Hollywood Riviera is the wide variety of birds in our area, including the house finch, goldfinch, sparrow, towhee, scrub-jay, phoebe, mockingbird, hummingbir...
Igor has sold more homes in the Hollywood Riviera than any other Realtor since 2001