Hollywood Riviera Blog

Igor Nastaskin of RE/MAX Estate Properties is an experienced real estate agent that specializes in homes in the Hollywood Riviera in Redondo Beach. This Blog is for Buyers and Sellers who are interested in community information and general real estate information about the South Redondo, Riviera Village, Torrance, and Hollywood Riviera areas.

Number of Older Adults in the U.S. Expected to Surge, Highlighting the Need for Accessible Housing

By 2035, more than one in five people in the U.S. will be 65 and older and one in three households will be headed by someone in that age group, according to Projections and Implications for Housing a ...

Resident Finds Perfect Harmony in Local Chorus

Sometimes when we meet up with the month’s newsletter raffle winner to present their gift certificate and take their photo, we realize what a great story they have to share with our community. Such wa...

Should Millennials Buy a Home or Rent?

Home ownership has reached a five-decade low, according to a recent report by the U.S. Census Bureau. This is due partially, the report says, to the fact that millennials have historically low ownersh...

Four Future Home Design Trends

As the path to sustainable housing and technology widens, the housing market also is embracing automated technologies and wellness initiatives. From automation security to energy management, the home ...

The Biggest Décor Trends for 2017

Say good bye to granite countertops and hello to non-traditional options that express the homeowner’s individual perspective on decor. According to Trulia.com, the coming year will be less about opule...

Mortgage Rates Spike

Freddie Mac’s most recent Primary Mortgage Market Survey shows average fixed mortgage rates moving significantly higher following the post-election sell-off in the Treasury market. “Last week’s electi...

Is a Home Warranty Worth the Money?

Home warranties have become popular among homebuyers and homeowners who are seeking to prevent themselves from having to shell out cash for hefty home and appliance repairs down the road. Ultimately, ...

Why it’s Smart to Pay Attention to the Starbucks Principle

Looking for a home in an area that will have long-term value and appreciation? Go get a coffee at a Starbucks in your desired area and experience what’s become known as the “Starbucks Principle” — an ...

Half of US Homebuyers Are Millennials

Almost half of US homebuyers are under the age of 36, according to a new survey by the online real estate firm Zillow. The study—The Zillow Group Report on Consumer Housing Trends—surveyed more than 1...

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