Hollywood Riviera Blog

Igor Nastaskin of RE/MAX Estate Properties is an experienced real estate agent that specializes in homes in the Hollywood Riviera in Redondo Beach. This Blog is for Buyers and Sellers who are interested in community information and general real estate information about the South Redondo, Riviera Village, Torrance, and Hollywood Riviera areas.

Popular Home Tours on the Docket at America’s Largest Design Event in Los Angeles

Design enthusiasts will have the chance to explore numerous L.A. area homes that have been hand selected by Dwell magazine for their diversity of livable, innovative modern architecture and design dur...

Can Facebook Play a Part in Homeownership?

Social media can impact how we make everyday decisions—from which car we purchase to what doctor we choose. Now, a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that one of these popular...

Mortgage Rates: Rising Along with Fed Optimism

Mortgage rates rose for the second week, ticking up to 3.64 percent as Fed VIPs hinted they might raise short-term borrowing costs sooner rather than later. A year ago, 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages a...

New Trophy Home Trends: Two Kitchens, Two Closets and Gallery Garages

Forget multiple bedrooms and double-digit bathrooms. According to a report by “Hollywood Reporter,” high-end home buyers are now demanding “show” and “hidden” versi...

What Home Purchasers Need to Know about Low Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates continue to linger at their lowest level in three years … and rates are predicted to remain attractively low as we enter the peak home-buying months of the year, according to Real...

The Future of Green Building

In less than four years, California’s housing industry will be required to start building homes that produce as much power as they use during the course of a year as part of the state’s 2020 “ne...

Secrets of an Open House

You can look for homes on the Internet all day, but unless you actually visit a property, you can’t see firsthand the fabulous views, many amenities and whether you can envision yourself living ...

Spring Weather and the Real Estate Market: A Perfect Match

Everything grows in the spring, including flowers, baby animals and housing sales. Mortgage rates are close to a three-year low. This is improving consumers’ purchasing power. Many of these home buyer...

Down payment insurance seeks to ease housing bubble fears

Since spring hit, home prices are sizzling. Everyone hopes the trend will continue. However, many are a bit fearful another housing crisis may erupt. To calm new buyers, a Dallas-based company has lau...

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