Hollywood Riviera Blog

Igor Nastaskin of RE/MAX Estate Properties is an experienced real estate agent that specializes in homes in the Hollywood Riviera in Redondo Beach. This Blog is for Buyers and Sellers who are interested in community information and general real estate information about the South Redondo, Riviera Village, Torrance, and Hollywood Riviera areas.

What Happens When a One-of-a-Kind Home Needs a New Owner?

Sometimes when you’re shopping for a home, you can come across one that truly stands out for some reason. Maybe it’s architecturally significant or in some way conveys a “different” attribute—it might...

L’Atelier in Riviera Village Draws Close-Knit Community of Craft Lovers

Step into the warmly– lit embrace of L’Atielier in the Riviera Village and you’ll hear the soothing sounds of chatting, laughing and the clicking of wooden needles as able hands knit works of art. The...

Check These 12 Items Off the To-Do List Before Selling Your Home

Getting ready to put your house on the market? It involves a lot more than just placing a “For Sale” sign in your yard. Before you sell your home, Realtor.com suggests that you make sure you’re prepar...

Six Things You Should Know Before Buying a Condo

A condominium allows you to wade into homeownership without adopting the responsibilities of a single-family home. You pay dues to a condo association, which typically handles exterior building mainte...

Seven Steps to Take Now if You’re Considering Buying a Home in 2018

If you’re thinking about buying a home in 2018, November and December are the perfect time to “warm up” for the house hunt so you can hit the ground running in the new year. No matter where you’re loo...

Six Steps for Selling a Home with Pets

Just because you love your pets—whether that be dogs, cats or hamsters—it doesn’t mean that potential buyers want to see those pets (or any evidence of them, for that matter) when they’re looking at a...

How to Use Music to Sell Your Home

Can music really get a buyer in the mood to seal the deal? According to Adrian North, Lorraine Sheridan and Charles Areni, a trio of Australians who tested this theory in 2015, hearing music makes peo...

Riviera Resident Leah Lewis is the New Rabbi at Temple Menorah

Riviera resident Leah Lewis does not fit the profile of a typical rabbi. In fact, this young female rabbi is among the growing ranks of women rabbis in the U.S. Women still make up a small percentage ...

Five Surprising Benefits of Buying or Selling Your Home in the Fall

Are you seeing less for-sale signs now that summer is over? That can be great news for both buyers and sellers. Don’t think you’ve missed the boat on making your move this year. Here, RealtyTimes offe...

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