Hollywood Riviera Blog

Igor Nastaskin of RE/MAX Estate Properties is an experienced real estate agent that specializes in homes in the Hollywood Riviera in Redondo Beach. This Blog is for Buyers and Sellers who are interested in community information and general real estate information about the South Redondo, Riviera Village, Torrance, and Hollywood Riviera areas.

Riviera Teen Excels in Autocross

The family that races together stays together. That could be the motto or the Christopher family, Riviera residents for the past 11 years. Kencey Christopher, who is 17, has been autocross racing sinc...

Ways to Find Healthy Neighborhoods

From green space to traffic volume, the neighborhood in which you live could contribute to your overall well-being. If you’re looking for a healthy place to call home, Trulia offers some consideration...

The 20 Hottest Markets for U.S. Real Estate in January 2017

While predictions call for a slight slowdown in the U.S. real estate market this year, Realtor.com still is forecasting that most of the nation’s hottest markets will keep blazing in 2017. And, accord...

2016 Emerges as the Best Year for Sales in a Decade

Existing-home sales finished out 2016 as the best year since the housing boom days. According to the National Association of Realtor’s December existing-home sales report, total existing-home sales—wh...

Nine Creative Ways to Make Your Home Look More Expensive

Ready to sell your home, but worried that it might not show well? There’s no need to spend a lot to make your home look chic and expensive. From painting unattractive vinyl or wood flooring to replaci...

The Millennial Path to Homeownership

Better Homes & Gardens magazine has released the findings from its ninth annual survey on attitude and behavior trends of U.S. homeowners. This year’s researched looked at millennial homeowners ag...

Do’s and Don’ts of Selling Your Home in 2017

Plan to sell your home in 2017? According to Realtor.com, certain blunders can hurt a homeowner’s odds of selling their residence. Here, some tips to follow when placing your property on the market. D...

Housing Value at Record-High

Housing’s collective value grew to $29.6 trillion in 2016 — a record high reflecting 5.7 percent appreciation (an additional $1.6 trillion), according to a recently released analysis by Zillow. The mo...

Five Big Real Estate Trends to Watch in 2017

The election of real estate magnate Donald Trump as president likely will bring some dramatic changes in 2017 for the housing industry, which saw healthy increases in values this year thanks to low in...

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