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Fight Back Against Cancer

Relay For Life Returns May 14 at South High Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer. Maybe it’s your spouse, parent, sibling, friend, or worst of all, child. Maybe you’ve had cancer you...

igor nastaskin, kindergarden, lenin, kyiv, ukraine

My Life in Kyiv, Ukraine

Though past issues of this newsletter have focused on my fellow Riviera residents and our local businesses, with everything happening in the world right now I feel compelled to use this space to share...

Riviera Resident Reflects on Greek Holocaust

As she looks out from her Hollywood Riviera home onto the blue Pacific below, Stella Leontsini never takes for granted the calm and peaceful existence she enjoys today. It’s a far cry from her childho...

Local Riviera Resident Amean Hameed Helps Others Fly Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease

Driving home from his job as an associate technical fellow in Information Technology (IT) at Boeing, Riviera resident Amean Hameed always passed by a studio offering aerial aerobics. Not sure what it ...

The Little French Bakery Says Bonjour to the Riviera Village – Local Taste Buds Rejoice

Hankering for a fresh, Parisian-style baguette, one with a crispy, caramelized crust and a melt-in-your mouth interior? How about the perfect croissant with a buttery aroma and a flakey bite? You’re i...

317 camino de las colinas, front, house, redondo beach, hollywood riviera

Historic Lower Riviera Home Hits the Market

The Hollywood Riviera exists thanks to the vision and tenacity of developer Clifford Reid, who in 1928 built the community’s first home — one specially designed for his family The majestic Itali...

riviera home owners association, hollywood riviera, jewel of the south bay, south bay, los angeles

The Riviera Homeowners Association: Serving Our Community for 75 Years

Ninety-two years ago, developer Clifford Reid established our special community, the Hollywood Riviera. Inspired by the beauty of its seaside location and surrounding hills, he coined the name due to ...

Mariana Ito, Somos Life, reflexology, Korean Yoga, Restorative Zen, Spanish Iyengar, classes, Ayurvedic, consultation

Riviera Resident Mariana Ito Brings Flower Power to the South Bay

They are lovely to look at, delightful to smell, and serve as expressions of love, friendship, and sympathy. But for Hollywood Riviera resident Mariana Ito and her many clients, flowers are also essen...

Reilly Cooks

Reilly Cooks! Riviera Native Serves Up Home Cooked Meals

With the pandemic underway for several months, most of us are staying home more than ever, which means cooking more than ever. And as many of us have found, that can get old quickly. Which is why my f...

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